Corporate social responsibility

Health and safety are a continuing priority, and we aim to ensure that we work to improve all aspects for our employees, clients, and the public.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Health & Safety

Health and safety are a continuing priority, and we aim to ensure that we work to improve all aspects for our employees, clients, and the public.

With our focus on Health & Safety we are proud of our Accident Incidence Rate (AIR) and our objectives and targets are aimed to ensure that all aspects of health, safety and environment issues are encompassed and maintained. Our objective is for our AIR to be zero.

Our Health and Safety Site Supervision hold the NEBOSH certificate.

Team members are encouraged to discuss safety issues and to monitor outcomes to provide a safe environment. We believe that this helps in allowing everyone to understand the importance and priority of health and safety at work.

We operate a no tolerance ‘No Drug and Alcohol’ policy which we believe will ensure the safety of our teams, our clients, and the public.


Sustainable Development and practice are always at the forefront of our thoughts throughout the company.

We have a regularly updated environmental policy which can be issued on request, which outlines the methods and procedures we work to, which are also covered in our toolbox talks to ensure this is transferred to site operations.

On site we practice the correct segregation of waste using the correct method of disposal and ensuring no cross contamination. We also strongly encourage recycling and respecting our surroundings, always ensuring areas are left how we find them.

Our task specific RAMS are also formulated to incorporate measures that ensure our impact on the environment is as little as possible.

Customer’s & supply chain

As both a customer and supplier Roseground believe that where possible we have a responsibility to enhance the local economy and aim to source materials and employ labour locally.

This we believe will not only aid the local community but also reduces waste and the carbon footprint.

Customer focus is importance to us, and we aim to go beyond our customers’ expectations by providing them with innovative ways to obtain the best value available in their choices and assist them in their decision making.